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Personal Philosophy of Therapeutic Art

I believe that art is a way to express what words cannot and that through creating, artwork promotes healing. In The Art Therapy Sourcebook, Cathy Malchiodi wrote about how art therapists tend to focus either on the process or product while some do incorporate both but emphasize one (p.6-7).  However, when I create art I do not emphasize one over the other. Both process and product are valuable because through product, an artist has an idea that they would like to create, and the product represents that idea while process allows the artist to create without feeling the pressure to focus on the finished piece. When people ask me questions about art and art therapy, I emphasize that everyone can create artwork. You do not need to take art classes or go to school for art to be an artist. I encourage all kinds of people to create art to express themselves through various mediums. I consider everything art in some sense because someone built it or created it. Art is not limited to only artists with skill, but it is for all that have a creative mind.

            Art therapy is a combination of psychology and art. It is a way to express your inner thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a more productive, positive way. Then it gives people an activity that they can use again. When a person needs to cope and cannot communicate to others, they can draw what they’re feeling instead. Art helps to relieve stress and gives people a sense of self-worth and identity. It brings to light many deep feelings or issues that one may have suppressed over time. Art is able to be made through various emotions and situations. Art therapists work with various groups of people in various settings.

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